Company Philosophy
Sotiropoulos & Associates S.A. is involved in every link of the geotechnical chain, to achieve the optimum result with reference to the cost, the technical integrity of the project and its successful performance during its life.
To achieve this target, we study the project as a whole unit considering its progress through design, construction and performance.
Dealing with complex projects and based on our vast experience, we are in a position to offer strong solutions for planning a “directed”geotechnical site investigation and laboratory testing schedule, in order to deal with all considerations that may arise in the phases of design, construction and performance, while always taking into account any environmental restrictions.
In order to design and implement this plan our company takes the following steps :
a) Starting from the very beginning of the planning of the project, and forming a conceptual design with respect to the soil conditions and proposing modifications.
b) Planning the site investigation and laboratory testing, including modifications on the basis of acquired information, during the execution of the investigation.
c) Evaluating and proposing solutions for the geothechnical problems of the project and proceeding to further steps of preliminary and final design to have the best results from the point of view of economy and stability.
d) Following the construction to verify the soil conditions and make the necessary changes, if required, by means of the “Observational Method”and instrumentation monitoring.